Tests - GP Diagnostic Engineering
Tests are powerful tools within Diagnostic Engineering; Through them, we are able to identify the causes of problems related to construction and then treat them effectively and definitively. Check out some of the tests we carried out:
Through the application of Thermography, it is possible to accurately identify infiltration points by analyzing temperature differences. Furthermore, it is also possible to recognize structural and sealing elements in a building.
The Pacometry test offers a precise location of the steel in concrete structures, in addition to providing information about the cover and diameter of the bars (rebar). The test also allows the identification of structural elements in buildings without available projects.
The Phenolphthalein test aims to identify the carbonation of the concrete element. When the concrete is carbonated, the reinforcement of the structural element becomes depassivated, subsequently leading to corrosion of the steel.
The Sclerometry test allows you to know the approximate resistance of a structural element when it, for example, does not have plans or any other information regarding its resistance.
Crack Monitoring Seal
The Crack Monitoring Seal aims to monitor the structure. Through this monitoring, it is possible to identify whether or not the crack is evolving, as well as the possible causes that led to its appearance.
The application of the Percussion test not only makes it possible to identify, but also makes it possible to map in detail the elements with inadequate adhesion to the structure. This proactive approach not only prevents accidents, but also contributes to preventive maintenance, ensuring the integrity and durability of the building.
Moisture detection (Sensor)
The Moisture Detection test is carried out using equipment equipped with a high-precision sensor, allowing the precise identification of moisture points. This is an example of a test that operates synergistically with Thermography, providing a comprehensive approach to analyzing problems related to humidity in structures.
Corrosion Potential
The Corrosion Potential measurement method is used as an electrochemical tool to monitor the corrosion of reinforced concrete reinforcement. Additionally, it can be applied to evaluate the effectiveness of repair systems and measure the passivation capacity of reinforcement.
The Borescope test is an inspection procedure that uses a flexible device to visualize difficult-to-access regions of equipment, pipes, structures, etc. This test helps identify faults, wear, leaks, etc., allowing the condition of components to be assessed without the need for disassembly.
Moisture detection (Probes)
This type of humidity detection test is carried out using equipment with probes that penetrate the structure to ensure an accurate reading of the humidity in the element. This is an example of a test that works together with Thermography.
Crack depth measurement
This test makes it possible to check the depth that a crack can reach. Furthermore, the equipment provides data, such as the width of the crack being measured, for example.
The ABS percussion test method may not be effective on certain types of coating, such as tablets. The Drag test seeks to efficiently and quickly evaluate the adhesion of the coating to the substrate.
Opening measurement (Fissurometer)
The purpose of the Fissurometer is to measure the width of fissures and cracks. Furthermore, it has a ruler on its body that helps with the notion of the size of larger openings, facilitating photographic records for the technical report.
Relative air humidity (Hygrometer)
The Hygrometer test is used in extremely humid environments, with a high incidence of infiltration due to condensation. Through a report generated by the equipment, it is possible to accurately understand the areas that require greater attention for evaluation.
Aerial inspection with Drone
The Aerial Inspection with Drone test makes it possible to visualize scenarios that would not be accessible due to the limitations of vision on the ground. This type of inspection allows you to accurately capture details in difficult-to-access locations.
Socket diagnostics (Socket Tester)
By testing with the Socket Tester, it is possible to check any irregularities in electrical installations (Phase + Neutral + Earth). With this equipment, you can also check whether the DR circuit breaker is working correctly.
Gas leak detection
This test makes it possible to accurately detect small gas leaks caused by poorly executed and/or broken installations. Through it, it is possible to identify the exact point of the leak, providing subsequent assistance in the process of correcting the failures.
Water TDS Check
The water quality test using the TDS method aims to check the amount of solids dissolved in the water. This way, it becomes possible to understand whether the water is suitable for consumption, in addition to identifying the presence of some type of soluble salt, such as, for example, efflorescence.
Checking the pH of the water
The pH method test aims to identify the pH of the water, determining whether it is acidic, neutral or alkaline. Through this test, it is also possible to discern the origin of an infiltration, whether it comes from rainwater, cold water, among others.
Chemical tracer
The chemical tracer test aims to identify the origin of the infiltrations. The tracer, with high penetrating power, enters small fissures and, with the help of UV light, makes it possible to precisely identify the point of origin of the infiltration.
Plaster monitoring seal
O Selo de monitoramento de trinca com gesso é um método sensível que permite detectar pequenas movimentações da trinca. Este tipo de monitoramento é frequentemente realizado em ambientes internos. No entanto, existe também a possibilidade de uso externo, mediante o emprego de aditivos hidrófugos na preparação do selo de gesso.
Slope check (Inclinometer)
Checking the slope with an Inclinometer aims to ensure whether the slope of the element is within regulatory standards or not. Some examples include slope towards the shower drain and roofs, where each type of tile requires a specific slope for the system to operate efficiently.
Hydraulic network pressure (Manometer)
It is crucial to carry out a check with the pressure gauge to ensure that the network pressure complies with the values established by standard 5626:2020. In many cases, the pressure exceeds the normative values, which can result in ruptures of the pipe connections due to excess pressure.
Ultrasonic Corrosion
Ultrasonic guided waves make it possible to monitor the loss of thickness of metallic profiles and pipes, through the introduction of an ultrasonic signal that travels long distances and, where part of the energy in wave form is reflected, when interacting with a discontinuity.
Ultrasound Inspection
The Ultrasound test is a method of qualitative assessment of concrete, used to determine the speed of propagation of longitudinal waves by means of ultrasonic pulses, through a concrete structural element, with the main applications being: analyzing the homogeneity of the concrete, detecting flaws and estimate resistance.
Pull-out Test
The Pull-Out test is a test carried out to determine the tensile strength of ceramic and mortar coverings on the substrate. It is important that this test is carried out on the facades of buildings, to find out whether they are in good condition or whether they require maintenance, renovation or retrofit.
Ensaio com Geofone
O ensaio com geofone é usado para detectar vazamentos em tubulações subterrâneas. O dispositivo capta sons gerados pelo fluxo de água através de fissuras, convertendo vibrações em sinais audíveis. Com base na intensidade e localização dos ruídos, é possível identificar o ponto exato do vazamento.
Ensaio com Líquido Penetrante
O ensaio com líquido penetrante é um método não destrutivo usado para detectar descontinuidades superficiais, como trincas, poros e fissuras, em materiais não porosos. O processo envolve a aplicação de um líquido penetrante na superfície, remoção do excesso, e aplicação de um revelador, que destaca as falhas visíveis.
Ensaio de Resistividade do Solo
O ensaio de resistividade do solo com terrômetro mede a capacidade do solo de conduzir eletricidade, essencial para sistemas de aterramento. O terrômetro aplica corrente por eletrodos e mede a diferença de potencial, calculando a resistividade e avaliando a eficiência do aterramento.
Monitoramento por Strain Gauge
O ensaio com strain gauge monitora deformações em materiais sob carga. O sensor, fixado na superfície, detecta pequenas variações no comprimento que ocorrem devido à tensão. Essas variações alteram a resistência elétrica do strain gauge, permitindo medir a deformação com alta precisão e monitorar o comportamento estrutural.
Teste de Desempenho em Placa Solar
O rastreador solar fotovoltaico avalia a eficiência das placas solares, medindo simultaneamente a potência máxima (Pmax), tensão do ponto de potência máxima (Vmp), corrente de pico (Imp), tensão de circuito aberto (Voc) e corrente de curto-circuito (Isc). Essa análise rápida permite identificar falhas nos módulos fotovoltaicos de forma eficiente.